October 15, 2024



Present:  Sue Lawrence, Colleen Weinert, Polly Belcher


Absent:  Mary Gollakner, Rosemarie DeVora, Bonnie Rochefort   


Secretary's Report (minutes from last meeting).  Minutes were approved as read. 


Treasurer's Report  Current balance is $8,519.07.  Per Colleen all bills are paid, but the balance does not yet reflect the $100 ($50 each group) for the Harvest Festival musicians.


Old Business


1)  Flowers and trees. Volunteers (Jen & Steve Szydlik, Sue Lawrence, Mark Gulow, Colleen Weinert, Polly Belcher) took down all of the flowers today.  Boxes and planters have been stored in the Village Hall.  All agreed that it would be better to leave the hangers up until spring, since we plan to replace them anyway. 


2)  Final cleanup of the Peninsula Pioneers' things in the township hall.  Ongoing. 


3)  Fall Festival Updates - music, pumpkins, raffle baskets, children’s games, cake walk, cider press, chili, pickleball, etc. 


4)  GOGG Highway Clean-up, September 21 – 29.  Finished 9/26/24.  There were 15 bags of trash the first round, and 7 the second.  Polly emailed the report to MDOT Adopt a Highway.


5)  Sara Bagley, creek wall follow-up?  It was agreed to remove this item from the agenda until next spring.


6)  Butterfly garden update (gazebo move).  The gazebo has not yet been moved, and Sue Mueller is back in Cincinnati until spring.  Per Polly there are plans to apply for a small grant next year.   


New Business


GOGG website update (Polly).  Jena and Polly were unable to meet for a tutorial.  Polly plans to do an online tutorial so that she can post minutes without Jena’s assistance.