August 20, 2024



Mary called the meeting to order at 6:05pm.


Present:  Mary Gollakner, Colleen Weinert, Bonnie Rochefort, Sue Lawrence, Jen Szydlik, Sue Mueller, Polly Belcher


Absent:  Rosemarie DeVora


Secretary's Report (minutes from last meeting)


Treasurer's Report


Our current balance is $6,365.82.  The Chenier's bill has been paid.  We need to place next year's tree and flower order with Chenier's by September 1st. 


Old Business


1)  Update on flower watering.  Flower orders for 2025. 


Funds that were donated for gas for volunteers were appreciated by all.  So far, they have all been donated by the waterers to the general fund. 


Another pot hanger broke, the one just south of the Garden Christian Fellowship.  Dan and Polly took the flower pot to the pavilion and put it up in place of the plant that had died.  They also saw that the 2 bags of potting soil left on the ground outside the Village Hall had holes in them.  When they went to move them, they noticed that the soil that fell out of the bags smelled bad.  It was agreed to just dispose of the soil.


There was a discussion regarding the Chenier's order for 2025.  Even though people prefer the hanging flowers, they are more difficult to water.  Next year the brackets will be lowered and we may want to replace them with brackets that are stronger.  We currently have 20 hanging baskets, including the 4 in the park.  It was decided to keep the 4 in the park plus 10 more, for a total of 14 hanging pots for next year.  There will be no change in the order for the flowers in boxes.  They are easier to maintain, and the boxes were sponsored and have plaques.  No trees will be ordered next year. 


2)  Final cleanup of the Peninsula Pioneers' things in the township hall


There are still a significant number of things in the hall attic.  Brenda Lester had asked Polly about it and Polly told Brenda we would take care of it, but first we need to decide where it will all go.   


3)  Fall Festival Updates


Musicians are lined up.  We need to decide on a definite schedule for them. 


Colleen has the pumpkin painting organized.  There is a plan to have a big pumpkin (donated by Chelsea Paulson) weight-guessing contest. 


Prizes for children's games – Nancy Ranguette will be running them.  No prizes yet. 


The group went through the empty raffle baskets from Rosemarie.  Jena also has a couple of baskets and said that she could add to others if needed.  Completed baskets will be brought to the September 17th meeting, where they will be put in clear plastic bags.  There was a suggestion to use the GOGG logo, hung on ribbons from the bags, and to put a list of contents on the back of the logo.  Polly made a chart of baskets and themes and will keep track of contents for the lists. 


Sue Mueller still needs people to bake cakes.  Jena Priebe has a screened-in canopy for the cake display. 


Williamsons still plan to do the cider press, if they are available.  It was agreed to charge 1 ticket ($1) for cider plus one donut.  Mary is planning to pick the apples again.  Polly volunteered too. 


Currently the 3 chili judges are Jeff LeFevre, Tracey Jones and Chad Damon.  They will judge the chili entries early, so that the rest of the chili can be sold.  It was agreed to sell the chili in paper cups, at $1 a cup.  Jen had $20 left of a $50 donation from Lonnie McPhee, which she gave to Bonnie for purchasing supplies.  Bonnie needs 3 prizes for the top picks.  Currently she has a Tyelene's gift cert for $25 and a Garden Grove gift cert for $15.  It was agreed that ideally first place should be a $50 gift cert.  Perhaps the Dock would donate one, since they gave $50 last year.  We also have a $50 gift cert from R&R Timber. 


Marsha La Tulip will be running a pickle ball competition in the Township Hall.  There was a discussion around whether it might be better to have pickleball lessons, either before the competition or instead of it, since there are a lot of people who would like to learn how to play. 


GOGG Highway Clean-up, September 21 – 29.  Not discussed.


Sara Bagley, creek wall follow-up?  No update at this time. 


The Township Board had stated that they would get the gazebo moved by the beginning of fall, so that Sue Mueller can start making plans for flower planting.  Hopefully it will be moved in time for the festival. 


Hayrides will be run by Tyler and Craig.  Chaperones are needed to ensure behavior of the kids on the rides.  It was suggested that at least one parent must go along on each ride. 


There will be no cornhole this year.  Sue Lawrence noted that she had seen permanent (cement) corn hole equipment that might be safer to have on the grounds than the current horse shoe stakes, which are a tripping hazard. 


Bonnie asked about taking the sunflower fundraiser meter down.  It was agreed to take it down immediately after the festival.


Mary brought a chart for people to sign up for selling raffle basket tickets, food concession, and chili sales.  The group filled most of the volunteer spots, but we still need ticket sellers from 3:30-5pm, and food concession from 5-6:30pm.  It was agreed that the raffle would end at 6:30pm (no more tickets to be accepted) and that the winners would be announced at 7pm. 


New Business


GOGG website update (Polly)  Polly had checked with Jena Priebe regarding learning about how to monitor the website.  They will meet and Jena will give Polly a tutorial.